Our latest video has just been published and if you are seeking top tips on how to photograph the perfect sunset, you will not be disappointed by this latest edition of the ‘Story behind the Image’.
This stunning image was taken on New Year’s Day some time ago by Tom Mackie.
Tom tells the story that after a brisk coastal walk, knowing the best time of day for Landscape Photography, Tom’s experienced eye noticed how the weather and light conditions were changing.
True to form, his prediction for a spectacular sunset was correct.
Whilst the image may have been taken some time ago, the techniques used to get a world class image are enduring.
What makes the perfect sunset image – top techniques explained
A great sunset isn’t enough to make a dramatic image. Including a strong silhouette and foreground is equally important.
Tom explains in this video that for this image, when the clouds started turning yellow he quickly walked out over the mudflats to use the boat as a silhouette against the sky.
The tide pool in the foreground was essential to separate the dark elements by reflecting the sky. As the sunset progressed, the sky flamed deep crimson, but this peak colour lasted only a few minutes.
Timeless photography tips revealed
Tom discusses in this video that whilst digital photography offers huge flexibility and ease for the photographer, has it come at the expense of sometimes overlooking some of the core skills required to capture a great image?
He also shares tips on several key things that you as an aspiring landscape photographer should use when you are out shooting.
Shooting digital or film – which is best?
This video reveals how this shot was composed and captured.
An interesting question is posed; as to what format is best when considering how to photograph the perfect sunset?
Tom shares his thoughts and opinions on both formats.
We hope you enjoy this latest video in our series of behind the image stories.
If you have seen any other images of Tom’s which we have not covered and you would like to know more about how the image was captured do let us know.
To do this, please either leave a comment on social media, our YouTube page or send us a message here.